As a follow-up to a 2003 survey of 65 Indiana high schools with random student-drug testing programs (RSDT), those same high schools were surveyed again in the Spring of 2005 about the effectiveness of RSDT programs. This survey was done by Joseph R. McKinney, J.D., Ed.D. High school principals at 65 Indiana schools were surveyed in April of 2005 about random student-drug testing program effectiveness and changes in student drug use over a period of almost three (3) school years.
Of the 56 responses received, 54 of the high schools (98%) continue to utilize random student drug-testing programs as part of prevention measures. One (1) high school has discontinued the program and one (1) high school never implemented a program. Fifty-five percent of the principals described their high school as rural, thirty percent as suburban and fifteen percent as urban. Two-thirds (N=36) of the principals responding to the survey report that their responses about student drug use were based upon written drug-use surveys of students.
Data Analysis
The majority of respondents reported that student drug use had decreased since their RSDT program began, and that the RSDT programs did not affect
student activity participation levels adversely. In fact, almost one-half of principals reported increases in participation levels for athletic programs. The
reported per-test cost of a RSDT program was $30 or less for 91% of the 54 high schools with RSDT programs.
When asked if the RSDT program negatively impacted the classroom, a full 100% (N=53) of principals responding (one respondent left this question
blank), stated that they observed no evidence of a negative impact of the prevention program upon the classroom. The majority of testing programs utilized
urine specimens and all schools notified parents of test results. The majority of schools temporarily restrict participation in activities upon a positive-test
result. Most schools made referrals for some form of counseling when there was a positive test result.
High Schools with RSDT programs exceeded the state average for test scores on the state-mandated graduation test as well as exceeding the state average
for graduation rates.
Drug use by students (based on written self-reporting surveys)
58% reported that drug use by students decreased (N=21) .
42% reported that drug use by students remained the same. 0% reported that drug use had increased. 91% of principals (N=49) stated that they believe that RSDT does, in fact, limit the effects of peer pressure to use drugs. Impact of RSDT Programs on Athletic Participation
0% reported a reduction in student participation or extracurricular activities 46% reported increases in athletic activities. 54% reported that student participation in athletic activities remained at same level as before RSDT.
On Extracurricular activity participation
45% reported increases in student participation . 55% reported participation remained the same.
On Test Scores and Graduation Rates
80% of schools with RSDT achieved scores higher than the state average on the mandated graduation test for grades 10-12. 80% of schools with RSDT programs had more tenth graders passing the two graduation exam standards than the state average.
Impact upon Morale
100% of principals reported that, despite critics claiming RSDT has a negative impact in the classroom, their experiences showed this claim to be untrue.
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