We have been asked recently to explain what some of the advantages of our student drug testing program are compared to other vendors?

We have the flexibility to alter our student drug testing program to meet your community’s needs. We have a distinct advantage over other companies with our proven "moving panels" test. Our "moving panels" test is a specifically designed student drug test for your school system. Your school system can select numerous different drug classifications and insert them into a single student drug test for your district. We know that each school system is different and we can tailor a student drug test to meet your district's needs.                

Why pay extra for drug classifications that are not needed?

Our baseline student drug tests start out with the government approved drug classifications. All vendors should utilize these classes as an industry standard, along with the government approved cut-off levels.

Not using the government approved cut-off levels can result in un-wanted legal actions between your district and its students.

We have the capability to use urine, hair, saliva, and sweat for our student drug testing.

We can do both instant and laboratory based tests.

Our company has a Medical Review Officer (MRO) on-staff. The MRO will review any potential positive results, verify the results, and then release the results accordingly to the respresentative from the school system.

Already Testing?

Let us take a look at your current program. We usually can give you the same or upgraded program with a 10-20% decrease in price